Mr. Grinch Iced MatchaINGREDIENTS2 Tbsp (1 oz) Torani Peppermint Syrup1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) matcha powder1 cups (8 oz) milkIceINSTRUCTIONSCombine all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake well for about 20 seconds and pour into a tall glass. Serve and enjoy!
INGREDIENTS2 Tbsp (1 oz) Torani Peppermint Syrup1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) matcha powder1 cups (8 oz) milkIceINSTRUCTIONSCombine all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake well for about 20 seconds and pour into a tall glass. Serve and enjoy!
Sleepy Hollow LatteINGREDIENTS1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani Orange Syrup1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani Creme de Cacao Syrup2 shots IMACK Espresso*1 cup (8 oz) milkINSTRUCTIONSSteam together milk & Torani. Pour into a glass and add brewed espresso*. Serve and enjoy!*Can substitute 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee.
INGREDIENTS1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani Orange Syrup1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani Creme de Cacao Syrup2 shots IMACK Espresso*1 cup (8 oz) milkINSTRUCTIONSSteam together milk & Torani. Pour into a glass and add brewed espresso*. Serve and enjoy!*Can substitute 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee.
Bloody Vampire FloatINGREDIENTS2 Tbsp (1 oz) Torani Red Raspberry Syrup1 cup sparkling water1-2 scoops vanilla ice cream1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani White Chocolate Sauce, 1 tsp red gel food coloring and whipped cream, to garnishPlastic toy vampire fangs for decor (optional)INSTRUCTIONSIn a small bowl/container, combine Torani White Chocolate Sauce and red gel food coloring to create your “bloody garnish."In a separate cup, combine 2 Tbsp. Torani Red Raspberry syrup and sparkling water.In your Halloween cup, add your scoop(s) of vanilla ice cream.Slowly pour Torani Red Raspberry Soda over ice cream.Top with whipped cream. Insert vampire fangs and drizzle with your bloody garnish!Serve and enjoy!
INGREDIENTS2 Tbsp (1 oz) Torani Red Raspberry Syrup1 cup sparkling water1-2 scoops vanilla ice cream1 Tbsp (1/2 oz) Torani White Chocolate Sauce, 1 tsp red gel food coloring and whipped cream, to garnishPlastic toy vampire fangs for decor (optional)INSTRUCTIONSIn a small bowl/container, combine Torani White Chocolate Sauce and red gel food coloring to create your “bloody garnish."In a separate cup, combine 2 Tbsp. Torani Red Raspberry syrup and sparkling water.In your Halloween cup, add your scoop(s) of vanilla ice cream.Slowly pour Torani Red Raspberry Soda over ice cream.Top with whipped cream. Insert vampire fangs and drizzle with your bloody garnish!Serve and enjoy!