Ube Coconut Iced LatteINGREDIENTS1 oz. Monin Ube Syrup5 oz. coconut milk2 shots IMACK EspressoINSTRUCTIONSFill serving glass full of ice.Pour ingredients into serving glass in order listed.Add garnish and serve!
INGREDIENTS1 oz. Monin Ube Syrup5 oz. coconut milk2 shots IMACK EspressoINSTRUCTIONSFill serving glass full of ice.Pour ingredients into serving glass in order listed.Add garnish and serve!
Coconut MacaroonsUpdated: Dec 11, 2023INGREDIENTS6.2 0z. Egg Whites17.6 oz. Ghirardelli Sweet Ground White Chocolate Powder1.1 oz Honey12.35 oz. Desiccated coconut flakes2.5 oz. All purpose flour0.2 oz. Vanilla Bean PasteTempered 60% Cacao Chocolate Chips (as needed)INSTRUCTIONSPreheat oven to 177°C/350°F.Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mix starts to brown.Transfer mix to a bowl and cool slightly.Portion out 12g servings using a 1 1/2" scoop.Back for 15 minutes until evenly golden brown.Once cool, enrobe with tempered dark chocolaate and let set.
INGREDIENTS6.2 0z. Egg Whites17.6 oz. Ghirardelli Sweet Ground White Chocolate Powder1.1 oz Honey12.35 oz. Desiccated coconut flakes2.5 oz. All purpose flour0.2 oz. Vanilla Bean PasteTempered 60% Cacao Chocolate Chips (as needed)INSTRUCTIONSPreheat oven to 177°C/350°F.Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mix starts to brown.Transfer mix to a bowl and cool slightly.Portion out 12g servings using a 1 1/2" scoop.Back for 15 minutes until evenly golden brown.Once cool, enrobe with tempered dark chocolaate and let set.
Almond Joyful LatteINGREDIENTS1 oz. DaVinci Gourmet Coconut Syrup1.5 oz. DaVinci Gourmet Chocolate Sauce2 oz. IMACK Espresso12 oz. Steamed almond milkGarnish: whipped cream, cocoa powder, and toasted coconut (optional)INSTRUCTIONSHeat all ingredients together.Garnish with cocoa powder and toasted coconut.Enjoy!
INGREDIENTS1 oz. DaVinci Gourmet Coconut Syrup1.5 oz. DaVinci Gourmet Chocolate Sauce2 oz. IMACK Espresso12 oz. Steamed almond milkGarnish: whipped cream, cocoa powder, and toasted coconut (optional)INSTRUCTIONSHeat all ingredients together.Garnish with cocoa powder and toasted coconut.Enjoy!